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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Adopting a Service dog

Our homeschooling morning started off with reading about different types of dogs that live in various parts of the word. Our 7 year old daughter asks: "So what will we call our new dog?"

"The dog will already come with a name just like you came to our family with a name."

"Does that mean we'll adopt the dog like you adopted us?"

"Yes, we'll adopt the dog into our family."

"Oh good. That means he'll be part of our forever family"

And William says: "Yes, me" while signing dog!

Sometimes kids get it quicker than we do.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Fundraising Total

We are so grateful that our fundraising total to 4 Paws in William's honor is now up to $2,680. That puts us a tail wag closer to having William's new furry best friend come home to him.

The other day we stopped in at some friends' house. They have several dogs. William walked into the house, sat down on the floor and just played with the dogs. One of the dogs came and sat on William's lap - snuggling with him. I think dogs have a way of knowing which people or kids are dog people. William bent down and gave the dog a kiss. The dog looked at William and gave him a sloppy dog kiss. He just giggled giving the dog a big hug. William was in 7th heaven with all these dogs. William has always had a special bond with dogs.